Private and public education

With many educational establishments, including academy trusts, facing similar financial issues, our clients benefit from our experience in advising others. For example, one major expenditure borne by educational institutions is that of wages, salaries and, increasingly, pensions: an effective framework of financial systems and controls is vital in each of these areas.


The introduction of academy trust status provides the school management team with the opportunity to take greater control over finances. This additional responsibility requires support from qualified professionals. Our experience working with schools converting to academy status supports and informs those considering making the change. Insights include specialist advice on fundraising, internal and external audit, VAT and the tax issues typically facing academies.

Our experts are also experienced in Free Schools and the Free School application process. Simon Webber, Partner, is a founding member of Chichester Free School and served as the finance Governor for four years, having been part of the project team that secured their funding agreement. Simon therefore has first-hand experience of the many challenges and obstacles that need to be overcome on the journey to opening a new school.

Academy conversion process

Currently applying

Uncertain about the regulations and the environment you are entering? Our team will be able to offer you personal and practical guidance.

Well established

For good governance, you will be regularly reviewing your audit provision. Further change brings new challenges, and you may want advice to improve the effectiveness of your finance and back-office functions; potential or planned expansion; and developing or building properties. Our assistance with management accounts and accounting for academies can provide clarity during this process.

Newly formed

Your new financial and governance obligations may prove unfamiliar to you. Whether it’s guiding people on their new responsibilities, advising on regulatory matters, or providing accounting, audit (both external and internal) and VAT advice, you can rely on our help to comply. Assistance with preparing financial statements and understanding key obligations is a cornerstone of our support.

Key Financial Challenges

Academies and educational institutions are currently navigating through significant financial challenges. The higher education crisis has impacted many schools, and colleges in financial trouble are increasingly seeking support to manage their resources effectively. A financial crisis can affect various aspects of school operations, from funding and budgeting to staffing and facilities management. Ensuring strong financial systems and controls is essential to mitigate these challenges, maintain stability, and support the long-term success and growth of educational institutions.

Addressing the Higher Education Crisis

The higher education crisis has created a ripple effect, influencing not just universities but also academies and schools. Financial constraints, reduced funding, and the need for enhanced financial oversight are now more critical than ever. Our team equipped with the expertise to help educational institutions navigate these turbulent times. We provide comprehensive financial audits, strategic financial planning, and ongoing support to ensure that your institution remains financially healthy and compliant with all regulatory requirements.

How we've helped academies and education sectors

Related resources

Meet our academies and education accountants team

Peter Manser

Peter Manser FCA DChA

Head of Audit and Assurance, and Academies and Education Partner

Email Peter

    • yes I have read the privacy notice and am happy for Kreston Reeves to use my information

    Simon Webber

    Simon Webber BA(hons) DChA FCA


    Email Simon

      • yes I have read the privacy notice and am happy for Kreston Reeves to use my information

      Kelly Goodwin

      Kelly Goodwin BA (Hons) ACA

      Audit Director

      Email Kelly

        • yes I have read the privacy notice and am happy for Kreston Reeves to use my information

        Kimberley Foulkes

        Kimberley Foulkes FCCA

        Audit Senior Manager

        Email Kimberley

          • yes I have read the privacy notice and am happy for Kreston Reeves to use my information

          Louise Thrower

          Louise Thrower MAAT

          Audit Senior Manager

          Email Louise

            • yes I have read the privacy notice and am happy for Kreston Reeves to use my information

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